Lukka teamed with Opalesque, a leading news source for hedge funds and alternative investments, to host an exclusive roundtable with crypto asset industry experts to discuss institutional pricing and valuation.
(LEFT TO RIGHT) Jeremy Drane (Lukka, Inc.), Di Krupica (AICPA), Teddy Fusaro (Bitwise Asset Management), Jay Biancamano (State Street), Joshua Lefcowitz (Cohen & Company), Martin Schmidt (KPMG), Nick Ogurtsov (Lukka, Inc.), Matthias Knab (Opalesque)
Read the full roundtable transcript HERE, answering important crypto asset questions such as the ones below and more.
- What are crypto or digital assets and why should people make an effort to understand them and its technology?
- What are the challenges and solutions when it comes to the pricing, valuation, and audit of crypto assets?
- How do you determine if the data reported is good?
- What is the specific guidance on Level 1 verse Level 2 classification of digital assets?